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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
Minutes of October 15, 2013


The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Elana Bertram (Co Vice-Chair), Paul Fadus, Martin Gersten, Joseph Humeston, Jean Leonard (Chair), Walter Motyka (Co Vice-Chair), and Donald Sharpe; Not Present:  James Gulalo; Also Present:  Betsy Paynter, EDC Coordinator, and Al Roznicki.

Ms. Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes of September 17, 2013 as written.  Mr. Gersten seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Chairwoman, Economic Development Commission

Commissioner Responsibilities – Ms. Leonard reviewed task assignments for all the commissioners.  

STEAP Business Assistance Program – Phase II – Ms. Leonard opened discussion regarding results from CT Main Street zip code survey.  The 17 businesses in Sandy Hook had 50% of the customers from the Sandy Hook zip code, 10% to 20% from surrounding towns, and the remaining from the Newtown zip code.  The commissioners discussed the economic study for Sandy Hook Center.  Some ideas brought forth were having the sidewalk extended, creating a positive inviting environment, better parking, and having some mix housing.  The study showed the area is not saturated in specialty shops and clothing and that it would be beneficial to have a small grocery or convenient store.  Mr. Fadus said he and his wife are working with the Land Use Department to change the BPO Zone on Church Hill Road.  The consensus as a name for the Sandy Hook Center is “Sandy Hook Village”.  Representatives from CT Main Street will be coming back in November.  

Director of Economic & Community Development (See Attachment A)

Buy Local Campaign – Ms. Paynter discussed positive feedback from the Buy Local Campaign and the early phases of establishing Newtown Way: Buy Local first Facebook page.  

Business Visitations – Ms. Paynter said that they continue to attend local networking groups.  She asked if a member of the EDC would speak at the Working Woman Forum in April at the Villa.

EDC Business Seminars – See EDC Coordinator Report (Attachment A) Website – Ms. Paynter has been working with Nick Lemieux, the Newtown High School
Tech Club mentor, to find a new platform.    


Sacred Heart University Business Incubator – Ms. Bertram said she and Ms. Stocker had a phone conference with the four students at Sacred Heart University.  The next step should be an assessment of available properties and a cost proposal for starting up and maintaining a business incubator.  There is a meeting scheduled at 6:30 on October 21st in Conference Room #3.  The final project is due before December 15th.  The EDC will have a special meeting to accommodate the students’ schedule.  Ms. Leonard said that work share is one thing that CT Main Street identified as an area that would be well supported in Sandy Hook Village.  Ms. Paynter said that many people use the third floor at the library as a work space.  

Hawleyville Sewer Update – Ms. Paynter discussed costs and pricing charts to hook sewers up in surrounding towns.  She will get information from Oxford before the next meeting.  The commissioners discussed how to help entice businesses in the area and making it financially viability for smaller businesses.  The sewer authority is working on how to attract people to the larger tracts of land.  Mr. Sharpe discussed an RFP and RFQ for the sewers.  Caron Associates will report in November.  Mr. Hurley is expected to report to the Board of Selectmen in November.  Mr. Motyka discussed master planning for the Exit 9 area.    

SHOP – Mr. Humeston said the report on the Passport to Sandy Hook will be available next month.  He said the attendance was good.  There was some concern over the anniversary of 12/14.  

Tech Park – Mr. Motyka will contact the state regarding requirements in order to develop the lot.

Fairfield Hills Development – Mr. Motyka reviewed a map of Fairfield Hills and an RFP for a specific area and a bond to cover demolition or remediation.  After discussion on marketing efforts, Mr. Sharpe motioned that the Economic Development Commission endorses and approves a joint marketing effort with the Fairfield Hills Authority as contained in the proposal entitled “October 2013 Fairfield Hills Campus RFQ/RFP”.  Mr. Gersten seconded the motion.  The motion was carried unanimously.


ADJOURNMENT Mr. Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 pm which was seconded by Ms. Bertram.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk